All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values
- AbstractBinaryTree<E> - Class in com.zybooks.dsaj.tree
An abstract base class providing some functionality of the BinaryTree interface.
- AbstractBinaryTree() - Constructor for class com.zybooks.dsaj.tree.AbstractBinaryTree
- AbstractHashMap<K,
V> - Class in -
An abstract base class supporting Map implementations that use hash tables with MAD compression.
- AbstractHashMap() - Constructor for class
Creates a hash table with capacity 17 and prime number 109345121.
- AbstractHashMap(int) - Constructor for class
Creates a hash table with given capacity and prime number 109345121.
- AbstractHashMap(int, int) - Constructor for class
Creates a hash table.
- AbstractMap<K,
V> - Class in -
An abstract base class to ease the implementation of the Map interface.
- AbstractMap() - Constructor for class
- AbstractMap.MapEntry<K,
V> - Class in -
A concrete implementation of the Entry interface to be used within a Map implementation.
- AbstractPriorityQueue<K,
V> - Class in com.zybooks.dsaj.pq -
An abstract base class to ease the implementation of the PriorityQueue interface.
- AbstractPriorityQueue() - Constructor for class com.zybooks.dsaj.pq.AbstractPriorityQueue
Creates an empty priority queue based on the natural ordering of its keys.
- AbstractPriorityQueue(Comparator<K>) - Constructor for class com.zybooks.dsaj.pq.AbstractPriorityQueue
Creates an empty priority queue using the given comparator to order keys.
- AbstractPriorityQueue.PQEntry<K,
V> - Class in com.zybooks.dsaj.pq -
A concrete implementation of the Entry interface to be used within a PriorityQueue implementation.
- AbstractProgression - Class in
Generates a simple progression.
- AbstractProgression() - Constructor for class
Constructs a progression starting at zero.
- AbstractProgression(long) - Constructor for class
Constructs a progression with given start value.
- AbstractSortedMap<K,
V> - Class in -
An abstract base class to ease the implementation of the SortedMap interface.
- AbstractSortedMap() - Constructor for class
Initializes the map with a default comparator.
- AbstractSortedMap(Comparator<K>) - Constructor for class
Initializes the comparator for the map.
- AbstractTree<E> - Class in com.zybooks.dsaj.tree
An abstract base class providing some functionality of the Tree interface.
- AbstractTree() - Constructor for class com.zybooks.dsaj.tree.AbstractTree
- access(E) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.list.FavoritesList
Accesses element e, thereby increasing its access count.
- AdaptablePQEntry(K, V, int) - Constructor for class com.zybooks.dsaj.pq.HeapAdaptablePriorityQueue.AdaptablePQEntry
- AdaptablePriorityQueue<K,
V> - Interface in com.zybooks.dsaj.pq -
Interface for the adaptable priority queue ADT.
- add(int, int) - Method in class
Add a new entry with given cost c and performance p.
- add(int, E) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.list.ArrayList
Inserts the given element at the specified index of the list, shifting all subsequent elements in the list one position further to make room.
- add(int, E) - Method in interface com.zybooks.dsaj.list.List
Inserts the given element at the specified index of the list, shifting all subsequent elements in the list one position further to make room.
- add(GameEntry) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.fundamental.Scoreboard
Attempt to add a new score to the collection (if it is high enough)
- addAfter(Position<E>, E) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.list.LinkedPositionalList
Inserts an element immediately after the given Position.
- addAfter(Position<E>, E) - Method in interface com.zybooks.dsaj.list.PositionalList
Inserts an element immediately after the given Position.
- addBefore(Position<E>, E) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.list.LinkedPositionalList
Inserts an element immediately before the given Position.
- addBefore(Position<E>, E) - Method in interface com.zybooks.dsaj.list.PositionalList
Inserts an element immediately before the given Position.
- addFirst(E) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.fundamental.CircularlyLinkedList
Adds an element to the front of the list.
- addFirst(E) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.fundamental.DoublyLinkedList
Adds an element to the front of the list.
- addFirst(E) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.fundamental.SinglyLinkedList
Adds an element to the front of the list.
- addFirst(E) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.list.LinkedPositionalList
Inserts an element at the front of the list.
- addFirst(E) - Method in interface com.zybooks.dsaj.list.PositionalList
Inserts an element at the front of the list.
- addFirst(E) - Method in interface com.zybooks.dsaj.stackqueue.Deque
Inserts an element at the front of the deque.
- addFirst(E) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.stackqueue.LinkedDeque
Adds an element at the front of the queue.
- addLast(E) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.fundamental.CircularlyLinkedList
Adds an element to the end of the list.
- addLast(E) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.fundamental.DoublyLinkedList
Adds an element to the end of the list.
- addLast(E) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.fundamental.SinglyLinkedList
Adds an element to the end of the list.
- addLast(E) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.list.LinkedPositionalList
Inserts an element at the back of the list.
- addLast(E) - Method in interface com.zybooks.dsaj.list.PositionalList
Inserts an element at the back of the list.
- addLast(E) - Method in interface com.zybooks.dsaj.stackqueue.Deque
Inserts an element at the back of the deque.
- addLast(E) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.stackqueue.LinkedDeque
Adds an element at the back of the queue.
- addLeft(Position<E>, E) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.tree.LinkedBinaryTree
Creates a new left child of Position p storing element e and returns its Position.
- addRight(Position<E>, E) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.tree.LinkedBinaryTree
Creates a new right child of Position p storing element e and returns its Position.
- addRoot(E) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.tree.LinkedBinaryTree
Places element e at the root of an empty tree and returns its new Position.
- AdjacencyMapGraph<V,
E> - Class in com.zybooks.dsaj.graph -
An implementation for a graph structure using an adjacency map for each vertex.
- AdjacencyMapGraph(boolean) - Constructor for class com.zybooks.dsaj.graph.AdjacencyMapGraph
Constructs an empty graph.
- advance() - Method in class
Advances the current value to the next value of the progression.
- advance() - Method in class
Adds the arithmetic increment to the current value.
- advance() - Method in class
Replaces (prev,current) with (current, current+prev).
- advance() - Method in class
Multiplies the current value by the geometric base.
- advance() - Method in class
Advances the current value to the next value of the progression.
- advance() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.primer.Robot
- after(Position<E>) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.list.LinkedPositionalList
Returns the Position immediately after Position p.
- after(Position<E>) - Method in interface com.zybooks.dsaj.list.PositionalList
Returns the Position immediately after Position p.
- ArithmeticProgression - Class in
A class producing an arithmetic progression of the form start, start+step, start+2*step, ...
- ArithmeticProgression() - Constructor for class
Constructs progression 0, 1, 2, ...
- ArithmeticProgression(long) - Constructor for class
Constructs progression 0, stepsize, 2*stepsize, ...
- ArithmeticProgression(long, long) - Constructor for class
Constructs arithmetic progression with arbitrary start and increment.
- ArrayList<E> - Class in com.zybooks.dsaj.list
Realization of a list by means of a dynamic array.
- ArrayList() - Constructor for class com.zybooks.dsaj.list.ArrayList
Creates an array list with default initial capacity.
- ArrayList(int) - Constructor for class com.zybooks.dsaj.list.ArrayList
Creates an array list with given initial capacity.
- ArrayMax - Class in com.zybooks.dsaj.primer
Demonstration of a recursive method to find the maximum value in an array.
- ArrayMax() - Constructor for class com.zybooks.dsaj.primer.ArrayMax
- ArrayQueue<E> - Class in com.zybooks.dsaj.stackqueue
Implementation of the queue ADT using a fixed-length array.
- ArrayQueue() - Constructor for class com.zybooks.dsaj.stackqueue.ArrayQueue
Constructs an empty queue using the default array capacity.
- ArrayQueue(int) - Constructor for class com.zybooks.dsaj.stackqueue.ArrayQueue
Constructs and empty queue with the given array capacity.
- ArrayReverse - Class in com.zybooks.dsaj.recursion
Demonstration of recursive method for reversing an array's elements.
- ArrayReverse() - Constructor for class com.zybooks.dsaj.recursion.ArrayReverse
- ArrayScale - Class in com.zybooks.dsaj.primer
Example of valid and invalid method for scaling a numeric array.
- ArrayScale() - Constructor for class com.zybooks.dsaj.primer.ArrayScale
- ArrayStack<E> - Class in com.zybooks.dsaj.stackqueue
Implementation of the stack ADT using a fixed-length array.
- ArrayStack() - Constructor for class com.zybooks.dsaj.stackqueue.ArrayStack
Constructs an empty stack using the default array capacity.
- ArrayStack(int) - Constructor for class com.zybooks.dsaj.stackqueue.ArrayStack
Constructs and empty stack with the given array capacity.
- ArraySum - Class in com.zybooks.dsaj.primer
Example of a static method that analyzes an array
- ArraySum - Class in com.zybooks.dsaj.recursion
Demonstration of two recursive approaches to computing the sum of an array of integers.
- ArraySum() - Constructor for class com.zybooks.dsaj.primer.ArraySum
- ArraySum() - Constructor for class com.zybooks.dsaj.recursion.ArraySum
- ArraySumForeach - Class in com.zybooks.dsaj.primer
Example of a static method that analyzes an array using for-each loop.
- ArraySumForeach() - Constructor for class com.zybooks.dsaj.primer.ArraySumForeach
- attach(Position<E>, LinkedBinaryTree<E>, LinkedBinaryTree<E>) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.tree.LinkedBinaryTree
Attaches trees t1 and t2, respectively, as the left and right subtree of the leaf Position p.
- AVLTreeMap<K,
V> - Class in com.zybooks.dsaj.searchtree -
An implementation of a sorted map using an AVL tree.
- AVLTreeMap() - Constructor for class com.zybooks.dsaj.searchtree.AVLTreeMap
Constructs an empty map using the natural ordering of keys.
- AVLTreeMap(Comparator<K>) - Constructor for class com.zybooks.dsaj.searchtree.AVLTreeMap
Constructs an empty map using the given comparator to order keys.
- badReset(Counter) - Static method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.primer.CounterDemo
Invalid attempt to reset a counter instance to zero.
- balance - Variable in class com.zybooks.dsaj.primer.CreditCard
- BalanceableBinaryTree() - Constructor for class com.zybooks.dsaj.searchtree.TreeMap.BalanceableBinaryTree
- base - Variable in class
- before(Position<E>) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.list.LinkedPositionalList
Returns the Position immediately before Position p.
- before(Position<E>) - Method in interface com.zybooks.dsaj.list.PositionalList
Returns the Position immediately before Position p.
- best(int) - Method in class
Returns the (cost,performance) entry with largest cost not exceeding c.
- BFS(Graph<V, E>, Vertex<V>, Set<Vertex<V>>, Map<Vertex<V>, Edge<E>>) - Static method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.graph.GraphAlgorithms
Performs breadth-first search of the undiscovered portion of Graph g starting at Vertex s.
- BFSComplete(Graph<V, E>) - Static method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.graph.GraphAlgorithms
Performs BFS for the entire graph and returns the BFS forest as a map.
- binarySearch(int[], int) - Static method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.recursion.BinarySearch
Returns true if the target value is found in the data array.
- binarySearch(int[], int, int, int) - Static method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.recursion.BinarySearch
Returns true if the target value is found in the indicated portion of the data array.
- BinarySearch - Class in com.zybooks.dsaj.recursion
Simple demonstration of the binary search algorithm.
- BinarySearch() - Constructor for class com.zybooks.dsaj.recursion.BinarySearch
- binarySearchIterative(int[], int) - Static method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.recursion.BinarySearch
Returns true if the target value is found in the data array.
- binarySum(int[], int, int) - Static method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.recursion.ArraySum
Returns the sum of subarray data[low] through data[high] inclusive.
- BinaryTree<E> - Interface in com.zybooks.dsaj.tree
An interface for a binary tree, in which each node has at most two children.
- BoxedItem - Class in
Class for objects that can be sold, packed, and shipped.
- BoxedItem(String, int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class
- BoxedItem2 - Class in
Class for objects that can be sold, packed, and shipped.
- BoxedItem2(String, int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class
- breadthfirst() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.tree.AbstractTree
Returns an iterable collection of positions of the tree in breadth-first order.
- bubble(int) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.pq.HeapAdaptablePriorityQueue
Restores the heap property by moving the entry at index j upward/downward.
- bucketGet(int, K) - Method in class
Returns value associated with key k in bucket with hash value h.
- bucketGet(int, K) - Method in class
Returns value associated with key k in bucket with hash value h.
- bucketGet(int, K) - Method in class
Returns value associated with key k in bucket with hash value h.
- bucketPut(int, K, V) - Method in class
Associates key k with value v in bucket with hash value h, returning the previously associated value, if any.
- bucketPut(int, K, V) - Method in class
Associates key k with value v in bucket with hash value h, returning the previously associated value, if any.
- bucketPut(int, K, V) - Method in class
Associates key k with value v in bucket with hash value h, returning the previously associated value, if any.
- bucketRemove(int, K) - Method in class
Removes entry having key k from bucket with hash value h, returning the previously associated value, if found.
- bucketRemove(int, K) - Method in class
Removes entry having key k from bucket with hash value h, returning the previously associated value, if found.
- bucketRemove(int, K) - Method in class
Removes entry having key k from bucket with hash value h, returning the previously associated value, if found.
- buildQueue(E[]) - Static method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.stackqueue.Josephus
Builds a circular queue from an array of objects.
- CaesarCipher - Class in com.zybooks.dsaj.fundamental
Class for doing encryption and decryption using the Caesar Cipher.
- CaesarCipher(int) - Constructor for class com.zybooks.dsaj.fundamental.CaesarCipher
Constructor that initializes the encryption and decryption arrays.
- capacity - Variable in class
length of the table
- CAPACITY - Static variable in class com.zybooks.dsaj.list.ArrayList
Default array capacity.
- CAPACITY - Static variable in class com.zybooks.dsaj.stackqueue.ArrayQueue
Default array capacity.
- CAPACITY - Static variable in class com.zybooks.dsaj.stackqueue.ArrayStack
Default array capacity.
- ceilingEntry(K) - Method in interface
Returns the entry with least key greater than or equal to given key (or null if no such key exists).
- ceilingEntry(K) - Method in class
Returns the entry with least key greater than or equal to given key (or null if no such key exists).
- ceilingEntry(K) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.searchtree.TreeMap
Returns the entry with least key greater than or equal to given key (or null if no such key exists).
- ChainHashMap<K,
V> - Class in -
Map implementation using hash table with separate chaining.
- ChainHashMap() - Constructor for class
Creates a hash table with capacity 17 and prime number 109345121.
- ChainHashMap(int) - Constructor for class
Creates a hash table with given capacity and prime number 109345121.
- ChainHashMap(int, int) - Constructor for class
Creates a hash table.
- charge(double) - Method in class
- charge(double) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.primer.CreditCard
Charges the given price to the card, assuming sufficient credit limit.
- checkIndex(int, int) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.list.ArrayList
Checks whether the given index is in the range [0, n-1].
- children(Position<E>) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.tree.AbstractBinaryTree
Returns an iterable collection of the Positions representing p's children.
- children(Position<E>) - Method in interface com.zybooks.dsaj.tree.Tree
Returns an iterable collection of the Positions representing p's children.
- CircularlyLinkedList<E> - Class in com.zybooks.dsaj.fundamental
An implementation of a circularly linked list.
- CircularlyLinkedList() - Constructor for class com.zybooks.dsaj.fundamental.CircularlyLinkedList
Constructs an initially empty list.
- CircularQueue<E> - Interface in com.zybooks.dsaj.stackqueue
This provides one additional method not part of the general Queue interface.
- clearBoard() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.fundamental.TicTacToe
Clears the board
- clone() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.fundamental.SinglyLinkedList
- com.zybooks.dsaj.analysis - package com.zybooks.dsaj.analysis
Code from the chapter "Algorithm Analysis"
- - package
Code from the chapter "Object-Oriented Design"
- com.zybooks.dsaj.fundamental - package com.zybooks.dsaj.fundamental
Code from the chapter "Fundamental Data Structures"
- com.zybooks.dsaj.graph - package com.zybooks.dsaj.graph
Code from the chapter "Graph Algorithms"
- com.zybooks.dsaj.list - package com.zybooks.dsaj.list
Code from the chapter "List and Iterator ADTs"
- - package
Code from the chapter "Maps, Hash Tables, and Skip Lists"
- com.zybooks.dsaj.pq - package com.zybooks.dsaj.pq
Code from the chapter "Priority Queues"
- com.zybooks.dsaj.primer - package com.zybooks.dsaj.primer
Code from the chapter "Java Primer"
- com.zybooks.dsaj.recursion - package com.zybooks.dsaj.recursion
Code from the chapter "Recursion"
- com.zybooks.dsaj.searchtree - package com.zybooks.dsaj.searchtree
Code from the chapter "Search Trees"
- com.zybooks.dsaj.stackqueue - package com.zybooks.dsaj.stackqueue
Code from the chapter "Stacks, Queues, and Dequeues"
- com.zybooks.dsaj.text - package com.zybooks.dsaj.text
Code from the chapter "Text Processing"
- com.zybooks.dsaj.tree - package com.zybooks.dsaj.tree
Code from the chapter "Trees"
- com.zybooks.dsaj.util - package com.zybooks.dsaj.util
Extraneous code used in several chapters
- compare(Entry<K, V>, Entry<K, V>) - Method in class
Compares two entries according to their keys.
- compare(Entry<K, V>, Entry<K, V>) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.pq.AbstractPriorityQueue
Method for comparing two entries according to key
- compare(Entry<K, V>, K) - Method in class
Compares an entry's key and a raw key
- compare(E, E) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.util.DefaultComparator
Compares two elements.
- compare(String, String) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.pq.StringLengthComparator
Compares two strings according to their lengths.
- compare(K, Entry<K, V>) - Method in class
Compares a raw key and an entry's key.
- compare(K, K) - Method in class
Compares two raw keys
- complex() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.primer.Robot
- constructPath(Graph<V, E>, Vertex<V>, Vertex<V>, Map<Vertex<V>, Edge<E>>) - Static method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.graph.GraphAlgorithms
Returns an ordered list of edges comprising the directed path from u to v.
- CostPerformanceDatabase - Class in
Maintains a database of maximal (cost,performance) pairs.
- CostPerformanceDatabase() - Constructor for class
Constructs an initially empty database.
- count(Position<FavoritesList.Item<E>>) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.list.FavoritesList
Provides shorthand notation to retrieve count of item stored at Position p.
- Counter - Class in com.zybooks.dsaj.primer
An integer counter that can be incremented and reset to zero.
- Counter() - Constructor for class com.zybooks.dsaj.primer.Counter
Constructs a new Counter with value zero.
- Counter(int) - Constructor for class com.zybooks.dsaj.primer.Counter
Constructs a new Counter with given initial value.
- CounterDemo - Class in com.zybooks.dsaj.primer
A demonstration of the use of the Counter class.
- CounterDemo() - Constructor for class com.zybooks.dsaj.primer.CounterDemo
- createEntry(K, V) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.pq.AbstractPriorityQueue
Factory function to create an entry storing key,value.
- createEntry(K, V) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.pq.HeapAdaptablePriorityQueue
Factory function to create an entry storing key,value.
- createNode(Entry<K, V>, LinkedBinaryTree.Node<Entry<K, V>>, LinkedBinaryTree.Node<Entry<K, V>>, LinkedBinaryTree.Node<Entry<K, V>>) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.searchtree.TreeMap.BalanceableBinaryTree
- createNode(E, LinkedBinaryTree.Node<E>, LinkedBinaryTree.Node<E>, LinkedBinaryTree.Node<E>) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.tree.LinkedBinaryTree
Factory function to create a new node storing element e.
- createTable() - Method in class
Creates an empty table having length equal to current capacity.
- createTable() - Method in class
Creates an empty table having length equal to current capacity.
- createTable() - Method in class
Creates an empty table having length equal to current capacity.
- CreditCard - Class in com.zybooks.dsaj.primer
A simple model for a consumer credit card.
- CreditCard(String, String, String, int) - Constructor for class com.zybooks.dsaj.primer.CreditCard
Constructs a new credit card instance with default balance of zero.
- CreditCard(String, String, String, int, double) - Constructor for class com.zybooks.dsaj.primer.CreditCard
Constructs a new credit card instance.
- current - Variable in class
The value that will be reported by a call to nextValue().
- current - Variable in class
- decoder - Variable in class com.zybooks.dsaj.fundamental.CaesarCipher
- decrypt(String) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.fundamental.CaesarCipher
Returns a decrypted message, given the encrypted secret.
- deepClone(int[][]) - Static method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.fundamental.DeepClone
Creates a deep clone of a 2D array.
- DeepClone - Class in com.zybooks.dsaj.fundamental
Class to demonstrate a deep clone of a 2D array.
- DeepClone() - Constructor for class com.zybooks.dsaj.fundamental.DeepClone
- DefaultComparator<E> - Class in com.zybooks.dsaj.util
Comparator based on the compareTo method of a Comparable element type.
- DefaultComparator() - Constructor for class com.zybooks.dsaj.util.DefaultComparator
- depth(Position<E>) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.tree.AbstractTree
Returns the number of levels separating Position p from the root.
- Deque<E> - Interface in com.zybooks.dsaj.stackqueue
Interface for a double-ended queue: a collection of elements that can be inserted and removed at both ends; this interface is a simplified version of java.util.Deque.
- dequeue() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.stackqueue.ArrayQueue
Removes and returns the first element of the queue.
- dequeue() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.stackqueue.LinkedCircularQueue
Removes and returns the first element of the queue.
- dequeue() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.stackqueue.LinkedQueue
Removes and returns the first element of the queue.
- dequeue() - Method in interface com.zybooks.dsaj.stackqueue.Queue
Removes and returns the first element of the queue.
- description() - Method in class
Returns a description of the item.
- description() - Method in class
Returns a description of the item.
- description() - Method in class
- description() - Method in interface
Returns a description of the object.
- DFS(Graph<V, E>, Vertex<V>, Set<Vertex<V>>, Map<Vertex<V>, Edge<E>>) - Static method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.graph.GraphAlgorithms
Performs depth-first search of the unknown portion of Graph g starting at Vertex u.
- DFSComplete(Graph<V, E>) - Static method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.graph.GraphAlgorithms
Performs DFS for the entire graph and returns the DFS forest as a map.
- diskSpace(Tree<Integer>, Position<Integer>) - Static method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.tree.TraversalExamples
Returns total disk space for subtree of T rooted at p.
- DiskSpace - Class in com.zybooks.dsaj.recursion
Supports the computation of the total disk space usage within a file system.
- DiskSpace() - Constructor for class com.zybooks.dsaj.recursion.DiskSpace
- diskUsage(File) - Static method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.recursion.DiskSpace
Calculates the total disk usage (in bytes) of the portion of the file system rooted at the given path, while printing a summary akin to the standard 'du' Unix tool.
- DoublyLinkedList<E> - Class in com.zybooks.dsaj.fundamental
A basic doubly linked list implementation.
- DoublyLinkedList() - Constructor for class com.zybooks.dsaj.fundamental.DoublyLinkedList
Constructs a new empty list.
- downheap(int) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.pq.HeapPriorityQueue
Moves the entry at index j lower, if necessary, to restore the heap property.
- drawRuler(int, int) - Static method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.recursion.Ruler
Draws an English ruler.
- dump() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.searchtree.TreeMap
Prints textual representation of tree structure (for debug purpose only).
- Edge<E> - Interface in com.zybooks.dsaj.graph
An edge of a graph.
- edges() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.graph.AdjacencyMapGraph
Returns the edges of the graph as an iterable collection
- edges() - Method in interface com.zybooks.dsaj.graph.Graph
Returns the edges of the graph as an iterable collection.
- EMPTY - Static variable in class com.zybooks.dsaj.fundamental.TicTacToe
- encoder - Variable in class com.zybooks.dsaj.fundamental.CaesarCipher
- encrypt(String) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.fundamental.CaesarCipher
Returns an encrypted version of an original message.
- endVertices(Edge<E>) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.graph.AdjacencyMapGraph
Returns the vertices of edge e as an array of length two.
- endVertices(Edge<E>) - Method in interface com.zybooks.dsaj.graph.Graph
Returns the vertices of edge e as an array of length two.
- enqueue(E) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.stackqueue.ArrayQueue
Adds an element at the rear of the queue.
- enqueue(E) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.stackqueue.LinkedCircularQueue
Adds an element at the rear of the queue.
- enqueue(E) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.stackqueue.LinkedQueue
Adds an element at the rear of the queue.
- enqueue(E) - Method in interface com.zybooks.dsaj.stackqueue.Queue
Adds an element at the rear of the queue.
- ensurePositive(int) - Method in class
- Entry<K,
V> - Interface in com.zybooks.dsaj.util -
Interface for a key-value pair.
- entrySet() - Method in class
Returns an iterable collection of all key-value entries of the map.
- entrySet() - Method in interface
Returns an iterable collection of all key-value entries of the map.
- entrySet() - Method in class
Returns an iterable collection of all key-value entries of the map.
- entrySet() - Method in class
Returns an iterable collection of all key-value entries of the map.
- entrySet() - Method in class
Returns an iterable collection of all key-value entries of the map.
- entrySet() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.searchtree.TreeMap
Returns an iterable collection of all key-value entries of the map.
- EnumDemo - Class in com.zybooks.dsaj.primer
An example that uses an enumerated type.
- EnumDemo() - Constructor for class com.zybooks.dsaj.primer.EnumDemo
- EnumDemo.Day - Enum Class in com.zybooks.dsaj.primer
An enumerated type for days of the week.
- equals(Person) - Method in interface
- equals(Person) - Method in class
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.fundamental.SinglyLinkedList
- ExceptionDemo - Class in
A demonstration of a try-catch structure.
- ExceptionDemo() - Constructor for class
- factorial(int) - Static method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.recursion.Factorial
Computes the factorial of the given (nonnegative) integer)
- Factorial - Class in com.zybooks.dsaj.recursion
Demonstration of recursive factorial function.
- Factorial() - Constructor for class com.zybooks.dsaj.recursion.Factorial
- FavoritesList<E> - Class in com.zybooks.dsaj.list
A list of elements, ordered from most frequently to least frequently accessed.
- FavoritesList() - Constructor for class com.zybooks.dsaj.list.FavoritesList
Constructs initially empty favorites list.
- FavoritesList.Item<E> - Class in com.zybooks.dsaj.list
- FavoritesListMTF<E> - Class in com.zybooks.dsaj.list
A list of elements, ordered from most recently to least recently accessed.
- FavoritesListMTF() - Constructor for class com.zybooks.dsaj.list.FavoritesListMTF
- fibonacci(int) - Static method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.recursion.Fibonacci
Don't call this (infinite) version.
- Fibonacci - Class in com.zybooks.dsaj.recursion
Demonstration of two recursive approaches to computing Fibonacci numbers.
- Fibonacci() - Constructor for class com.zybooks.dsaj.recursion.Fibonacci
- fibonacciBad(int) - Static method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.recursion.Fibonacci
Returns the nth Fibonacci number (inefficiently).
- fibonacciGood(int) - Static method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.recursion.Fibonacci
Returns array containing the pair of Fibonacci numbers, F(n) and F(n-1).
- FibonacciProgression - Class in
A class producing a Fibonacci progression from two starting values.
- FibonacciProgression() - Constructor for class
Constructs traditional Fibonacci, starting 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, ...
- FibonacciProgression(long, long) - Constructor for class
Constructs generalized Fibonacci, with give first and second values.
- figure14_11() - Static method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.graph.GraphExamples
Returns the unweighted, directed graph from Figure 14.11 of DSAJ6.
- figure14_12() - Static method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.graph.GraphExamples
Returns the unweighted, directed graph from Figure 14.12 of DSAJ6.
- figure14_14() - Static method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.graph.GraphExamples
Returns the weighted, undirected graph from Figure 14.14 of DSAJ6.
- figure14_15() - Static method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.graph.GraphExamples
Returns the weighted, undirected graph from Figure 14.15 of DSAJ6.
- figure14_3() - Static method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.graph.GraphExamples
Returns the unweighted, directed graph from Figure 14.3 of DSAJ6.
- figure14_8() - Static method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.graph.GraphExamples
Returns the unweighted, directed graph from Figure 14.8 of DSAJ6.
- figure14_9() - Static method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.graph.GraphExamples
Returns the unweighted, undirected graph from Figure 14.9 of DSAJ6.
- find(Position<E>) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.graph.Partition
Finds the cluster containing the element identified by Position p and returns the Position of the cluster's leader.
- findBoyerMoore(char[], char[]) - Static method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.text.PatternMatching
Returns the lowest index at which substring pattern begins in text (or else -1).
- findBrute(char[], char[]) - Static method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.text.PatternMatching
Returns the lowest index at which substring pattern begins in text (or else -1).
- findKMP(char[], char[]) - Static method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.text.PatternMatching
Returns the lowest index at which substring pattern begins in text (or else -1).
- findPosition(E) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.list.FavoritesList
Returns Position having element equal to e (or null if not found).
- first() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.fundamental.CircularlyLinkedList
Returns (but does not remove) the first element of the list
- first() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.fundamental.DoublyLinkedList
Returns (but does not remove) the first element of the list.
- first() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.fundamental.SinglyLinkedList
Returns (but does not remove) the first element of the list
- first() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.list.LinkedPositionalList
Returns the first Position in the list.
- first() - Method in interface com.zybooks.dsaj.list.PositionalList
Returns the first Position in the list.
- first() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.stackqueue.ArrayQueue
Returns, but does not remove, the first element of the queue.
- first() - Method in interface com.zybooks.dsaj.stackqueue.Deque
Returns (but does not remove) the first element of the deque.
- first() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.stackqueue.LinkedCircularQueue
Returns, but does not remove, the first element of the queue.
- first() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.stackqueue.LinkedDeque
Returns, but does not remove, the first element of the queue.
- first() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.stackqueue.LinkedQueue
Returns, but does not remove, the first element of the queue.
- first() - Method in interface com.zybooks.dsaj.stackqueue.Queue
Returns, but does not remove, the first element of the queue.
- firstEntry() - Method in interface
Returns the entry having the least key (or null if map is empty).
- firstEntry() - Method in class
Returns the entry having the least key (or null if map is empty).
- firstEntry() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.searchtree.TreeMap
Returns the entry having the least key (or null if map is empty).
- floorEntry(K) - Method in interface
Returns the entry with greatest key less than or equal to given key (or null if no such key exists).
- floorEntry(K) - Method in class
Returns the entry with greatest key less than or equal to given key (or null if no such key exists).
- floorEntry(K) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.searchtree.TreeMap
Returns the entry with greatest key less than or equal to given key (or null if no such key exists).
- FRI - Enum constant in enum class com.zybooks.dsaj.primer.EnumDemo.Day
- GameEntry - Class in com.zybooks.dsaj.fundamental
A representation of an entry on a scoreboard.
- GameEntry(String, int) - Constructor for class com.zybooks.dsaj.fundamental.GameEntry
Constructs a game entry with given parameters.
- GenericDemo - Class in
A demonstration of a generic function with a parameterized type.
- GenericDemo() - Constructor for class
- GeometricProgression - Class in
A class producing a geometric progression of the form start, start*factor, start*factor*factor, ...
- GeometricProgression() - Constructor for class
Constructs progression 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, ...
- GeometricProgression(long) - Constructor for class
Constructs progression 1, b, b^2, b^3, b^4, ...
- GeometricProgression(long, long) - Constructor for class
Constructs geometric progression with arbitrary base and start.
- get(int) - Method in class
- get(int) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.list.ArrayList
Returns (but does not remove) the element at index i.
- get(int) - Method in interface com.zybooks.dsaj.list.List
Returns (but does not remove) the element at index i.
- get(K) - Method in class
Returns the value associated with the specified key, or null if no such entry exists.
- get(K) - Method in interface
Returns the value associated with the specified key, or null if no such entry exists.
- get(K) - Method in class
Returns the value associated with the specified key, or null if no such entry exists.
- get(K) - Method in class
Returns the value associated with the specified key, or null if no such entry exists.
- get(K) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.searchtree.TreeMap
Returns the value associated with the specified key, or null if no such entry exists.
- getAccount() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.primer.CreditCard
Return the account identifier.
- getAge() - Method in interface
- getAge() - Method in class
- getAux() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.searchtree.TreeMap.BalanceableBinaryTree.BSTNode
- getAux(Position<Entry<K, V>>) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.searchtree.TreeMap.BalanceableBinaryTree
- getBalance() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.primer.CreditCard
Return the current balance.
- getBank() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.primer.CreditCard
Returns the name of the bank
- getCount() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.list.FavoritesList.Item
- getCount() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.primer.Counter
Returns the current count.
- getCustomer() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.primer.CreditCard
Returns the name of the customer.
- getEdge(Vertex<V>, Vertex<V>) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.graph.AdjacencyMapGraph
Returns the edge from u to v, or null if they are not adjacent.
- getEdge(Vertex<V>, Vertex<V>) - Method in interface com.zybooks.dsaj.graph.Graph
Returns the edge from u to v, or null if they are not adjacent.
- getElement() - Method in interface com.zybooks.dsaj.graph.Edge
Returns the element associated with the edge.
- getElement() - Method in interface com.zybooks.dsaj.graph.Vertex
Returns the element associated with the vertex.
- getElement() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.tree.LinkedBinaryTree.Node
- getElement() - Method in interface com.zybooks.dsaj.util.Position
Returns the element stored at this position.
- getFavorites(int) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.list.FavoritesList
Returns an iterable collection of the k most frequently accessed elements.
- getFavorites(int) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.list.FavoritesListMTF
Returns an iterable collection of the k most frequently accessed elements.
- getFirst() - Method in class
- getFirst() - Method in class
- getID() - Method in class
- getIndex() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.pq.HeapAdaptablePriorityQueue.AdaptablePQEntry
- getInt() - Static method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.primer.InputExample
- getKey() - Method in class
Returns the entry's key
- getKey() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.pq.AbstractPriorityQueue.PQEntry
Return the entry's key
- getKey() - Method in interface com.zybooks.dsaj.util.Entry
Returns the key stored in this entry.
- getLeft() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.tree.LinkedBinaryTree.Node
- getLimit() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.primer.CreditCard
Return the credit limit.
- getName() - Method in interface
- getName() - Method in class
- getName() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.fundamental.GameEntry
Returns the name field.
- getParent() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.tree.LinkedBinaryTree.Node
- getRight() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.tree.LinkedBinaryTree.Node
- getScore() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.fundamental.GameEntry
Returns the score field.
- getSecond() - Method in class
- getSecond() - Method in class
- getValue() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.list.FavoritesList.Item
- getValue() - Method in class
Returns the entry's value
- getValue() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.pq.AbstractPriorityQueue.PQEntry
Return the entry's value
- getValue() - Method in interface com.zybooks.dsaj.util.Entry
Returns the value stored in this entry.
- goodReset(Counter) - Static method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.primer.CounterDemo
Valid attempt to reset a counter instance to zero.
- Graph<V,
E> - Interface in com.zybooks.dsaj.graph -
An interface for a graph structure.
- GraphAlgorithms - Class in com.zybooks.dsaj.graph
A collection of graph algorithms.
- GraphAlgorithms() - Constructor for class com.zybooks.dsaj.graph.GraphAlgorithms
- GraphExamples - Class in com.zybooks.dsaj.graph
This class provides a utility to build a graph from a list of edges.
- GraphExamples() - Constructor for class com.zybooks.dsaj.graph.GraphExamples
- graphFromEdgelist(String[][], boolean) - Static method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.graph.GraphExamples
Constructs a graph from an array of array strings.
- hashCode() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.fundamental.SinglyLinkedList
- HashMultimap<K,
V> - Class in -
An adaptation of a map into a multimap, by mapping to a list of values.
- HashMultimap() - Constructor for class
Constructs an empty multimap.
- hasLeft(int) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.pq.HeapPriorityQueue
- hasRight(int) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.pq.HeapPriorityQueue
- heap - Variable in class com.zybooks.dsaj.pq.HeapPriorityQueue
primary collection of priority queue entries
- HeapAdaptablePriorityQueue<K,
V> - Class in com.zybooks.dsaj.pq -
An implementation of an adaptable priority queue using an array-based heap.
- HeapAdaptablePriorityQueue() - Constructor for class com.zybooks.dsaj.pq.HeapAdaptablePriorityQueue
Creates an empty adaptable priority queue using natural ordering of keys.
- HeapAdaptablePriorityQueue(Comparator<K>) - Constructor for class com.zybooks.dsaj.pq.HeapAdaptablePriorityQueue
Creates an empty adaptable priority queue using the given comparator to order keys.
- HeapAdaptablePriorityQueue.AdaptablePQEntry<K,
V> - Class in com.zybooks.dsaj.pq -
Extension of the PQEntry to include location information.
- heapify() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.pq.HeapPriorityQueue
Performs a bottom-up construction of the heap in linear time.
- HeapPriorityQueue<K,
V> - Class in com.zybooks.dsaj.pq -
An implementation of a priority queue using an array-based heap.
- HeapPriorityQueue() - Constructor for class com.zybooks.dsaj.pq.HeapPriorityQueue
Creates an empty priority queue based on the natural ordering of its keys.
- HeapPriorityQueue(Comparator<K>) - Constructor for class com.zybooks.dsaj.pq.HeapPriorityQueue
Creates an empty priority queue using the given comparator to order keys.
- HeapPriorityQueue(K[], V[]) - Constructor for class com.zybooks.dsaj.pq.HeapPriorityQueue
Creates a priority queue initialized with the respective key-value pairs.
- height(Position<Entry<K, V>>) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.searchtree.AVLTreeMap
Returns the height of the given tree position.
- height(Position<E>) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.tree.AbstractTree
Returns the height of the subtree rooted at Position p.
- higherEntry(K) - Method in interface
Returns the entry with least key strictly greater than given key (or null if no such key exists).
- higherEntry(K) - Method in class
Returns the entry with least key strictly greater than given key (or null if no such key exists).
- higherEntry(K) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.searchtree.TreeMap
Returns the entry with least key strictly greater than given key (or null if no such key exists).
- incomingEdges(Vertex<V>) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.graph.AdjacencyMapGraph
Returns an iterable collection of edges for which vertex v is the destination.
- incomingEdges(Vertex<V>) - Method in interface com.zybooks.dsaj.graph.Graph
Returns an iterable collection of edges for which vertex v is the destination.
- increment - Variable in class
The increment between consecutive values of the progression
- increment() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.list.FavoritesList.Item
- increment() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.primer.Counter
Increments the count by one.
- increment(int) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.primer.Counter
Increments the count by the specified delta.
- inDegree(Vertex<V>) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.graph.AdjacencyMapGraph
Returns the number of edges for which vertex v is the destination.
- inDegree(Vertex<V>) - Method in interface com.zybooks.dsaj.graph.Graph
Returns the number of edges for which vertex v is the destination.
- inorder() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.tree.AbstractBinaryTree
Returns an iterable collection of positions of the tree, reported in inorder.
- InputExample - Class in com.zybooks.dsaj.primer
- InputExample() - Constructor for class com.zybooks.dsaj.primer.InputExample
- insert(K, V) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.pq.HeapPriorityQueue
Inserts a key-value pair and returns the newly created entry.
- insert(K, V) - Method in interface com.zybooks.dsaj.pq.PriorityQueue
Inserts a key-value pair and returns the entry created.
- insert(K, V) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.pq.SortedPriorityQueue
Inserts a key-value pair and returns the entry created.
- insert(K, V) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.pq.UnsortedPriorityQueue
Inserts a key-value pair and returns the entry created.
- insertEdge(Vertex<V>, Vertex<V>, E) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.graph.AdjacencyMapGraph
Inserts and returns a new edge between vertices u and v, storing given element.
- insertEdge(Vertex<V>, Vertex<V>, E) - Method in interface com.zybooks.dsaj.graph.Graph
Inserts and returns a new edge between vertices u and v, storing given element.
- insertionSort(char[]) - Static method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.fundamental.InsertionSort
Insertion-sort of an array of characters into nondecreasing order
- insertionSort(PositionalList<Integer>) - Static method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.list.InsertionSort
Insertion-sort of a positional list of integers into nondecreasing order
- InsertionSort - Class in com.zybooks.dsaj.fundamental
Provides an insertion sort implementation for arrays.
- InsertionSort - Class in com.zybooks.dsaj.list
Provides an insertion sort implementation for a PositionalList.
- InsertionSort() - Constructor for class com.zybooks.dsaj.fundamental.InsertionSort
- InsertionSort() - Constructor for class com.zybooks.dsaj.list.InsertionSort
- insertVertex(V) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.graph.AdjacencyMapGraph
Inserts and returns a new vertex with the given element.
- insertVertex(V) - Method in interface com.zybooks.dsaj.graph.Graph
Inserts and returns a new vertex with the given element.
- Insurable - Interface in
Interface for objects that can be insured when shipped.
- insuredValue() - Method in class
Returns the insured value of the item.
- insuredValue() - Method in class
Returns the insured value of the item, in cents.
- insuredValue() - Method in interface
Returns the insured value of the item, in cents.
- isBalanced(Position<Entry<K, V>>) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.searchtree.AVLTreeMap
Returns whether a position has balance factor between -1 and 1 inclusive.
- isColor() - Method in class
- isEmpty() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.fundamental.CircularlyLinkedList
Tests whether the linked list is empty.
- isEmpty() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.fundamental.DoublyLinkedList
Tests whether the linked list is empty.
- isEmpty() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.fundamental.SinglyLinkedList
Tests whether the linked list is empty.
- isEmpty() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.list.ArrayList
Tests whether the array list is empty.
- isEmpty() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.list.FavoritesList
Returns true if the favorites list is empty.
- isEmpty() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.list.LinkedPositionalList
Tests whether the list is empty.
- isEmpty() - Method in interface com.zybooks.dsaj.list.List
Tests whether the list is empty.
- isEmpty() - Method in interface com.zybooks.dsaj.list.PositionalList
Tests whether the list is empty.
- isEmpty() - Method in class
Tests whether the map is empty.
- isEmpty() - Method in class
Returns whether the multimap is empty.
- isEmpty() - Method in interface
Tests whether the map is empty.
- isEmpty() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.pq.AbstractPriorityQueue
Tests whether the priority queue is empty.
- isEmpty() - Method in interface com.zybooks.dsaj.pq.PriorityQueue
Tests whether the priority queue is empty.
- isEmpty() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.stackqueue.ArrayQueue
Tests whether the queue is empty.
- isEmpty() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.stackqueue.ArrayStack
Tests whether the stack is empty.
- isEmpty() - Method in interface com.zybooks.dsaj.stackqueue.Deque
Tests whether the deque is empty.
- isEmpty() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.stackqueue.LinkedCircularQueue
Tests whether the queue is empty.
- isEmpty() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.stackqueue.LinkedDeque
Tests whether the queue is empty.
- isEmpty() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.stackqueue.LinkedQueue
Tests whether the queue is empty.
- isEmpty() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.stackqueue.LinkedStack
Tests whether the stack is empty.
- isEmpty() - Method in interface com.zybooks.dsaj.stackqueue.Queue
Tests whether the queue is empty.
- isEmpty() - Method in interface com.zybooks.dsaj.stackqueue.Stack
Tests whether the stack is empty.
- isEmpty() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.tree.AbstractTree
Tests whether the tree is empty.
- isEmpty() - Method in interface com.zybooks.dsaj.tree.Tree
Tests whether the tree is empty.
- isExternal(Position<Entry<K, V>>) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.searchtree.TreeMap
- isExternal(Position<E>) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.tree.AbstractTree
Returns true if Position p does not have any children.
- isExternal(Position<E>) - Method in interface com.zybooks.dsaj.tree.Tree
Returns true if Position p does not have any children.
- isHazardous() - Method in class
Returns whether the item is hazardous.
- isHazardous() - Method in class
Returns whether the item is hazardous.
- isHazardous() - Method in interface
Returns whether the item is hazardous.
- isHTMLMatched(String) - Static method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.stackqueue.MatchHTML
Tests if every opening tag has a matching closing tag in HTML string.
- isInternal(Position<Entry<K, V>>) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.searchtree.TreeMap
- isInternal(Position<E>) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.tree.AbstractTree
Returns true if Position p has one or more children.
- isInternal(Position<E>) - Method in interface com.zybooks.dsaj.tree.Tree
Returns true if Position p has one or more children.
- isMatched(String) - Static method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.stackqueue.MatchDelimiters
Tests if delimiters in the given expression are properly matched.
- isRoot(Position<Entry<K, V>>) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.searchtree.TreeMap
- isRoot(Position<E>) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.tree.AbstractTree
Returns true if Position p represents the root of the tree.
- isRoot(Position<E>) - Method in interface com.zybooks.dsaj.tree.Tree
Returns true if Position p represents the root of the tree.
- isWin(int) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.fundamental.TicTacToe
Checks whether the board configuration is a win for the given player.
- Item(E) - Constructor for class com.zybooks.dsaj.list.FavoritesList.Item
Constructs new item with initial count of zero.
- iterator() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.list.ArrayList
Returns an iterator of the elements stored in the list.
- iterator() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.list.LinkedPositionalList
Returns an iterator of the elements stored in the list.
- iterator() - Method in interface com.zybooks.dsaj.list.List
Returns an iterator of the elements stored in the list.
- iterator() - Method in interface com.zybooks.dsaj.list.PositionalList
Returns an iterator of the elements stored in the list.
- iterator() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.tree.AbstractTree
Returns an iterator of the elements stored in the tree.
- iterator() - Method in interface com.zybooks.dsaj.tree.Tree
Returns an iterator of the elements stored in the tree.
- IteratorDemo - Class in com.zybooks.dsaj.list
- IteratorDemo() - Constructor for class com.zybooks.dsaj.list.IteratorDemo
- Josephus - Class in com.zybooks.dsaj.stackqueue
The classic Josephus problem as a Case study for a CircularQueue
- Josephus() - Constructor for class com.zybooks.dsaj.stackqueue.Josephus
- Josephus(CircularQueue<E>, int) - Static method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.stackqueue.Josephus
Computes the winner of the Josephus problem using a circular queue.
- keySet() - Method in class
Returns an iterable collection of the keys contained in the map.
- keySet() - Method in interface
Returns an iterable collection of the keys contained in the map.
- last() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.fundamental.CircularlyLinkedList
Returns (but does not remove) the last element of the list
- last() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.fundamental.DoublyLinkedList
Returns (but does not remove) the last element of the list.
- last() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.fundamental.SinglyLinkedList
Returns (but does not remove) the last element of the list.
- last() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.list.LinkedPositionalList
Returns the last Position in the list.
- last() - Method in interface com.zybooks.dsaj.list.PositionalList
Returns the last Position in the list.
- last() - Method in interface com.zybooks.dsaj.stackqueue.Deque
Returns (but does not remove) the last element of the deque.
- last() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.stackqueue.LinkedDeque
Returns, but does not remove, the last element of the queue.
- lastEntry() - Method in interface
Returns the entry having the greatest key (or null if map is empty).
- lastEntry() - Method in class
Returns the entry having the greatest key (or null if map is empty).
- lastEntry() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.searchtree.TreeMap
Returns the entry having the greatest key (or null if map is empty).
- layout(BinaryTree<E>, Position<E>, int, int) - Static method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.tree.TraversalExamples
Defines geometry for an inorder layout of subtree of a binary tree.
- LCS - Class in com.zybooks.dsaj.text
Algorithms for computing the longest common subsequence of two character sequences.
- LCS() - Constructor for class com.zybooks.dsaj.text.LCS
- LCS(char[], char[]) - Static method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.text.LCS
Returns table such that L[j][k] is length of LCS for X[0..j-1] and Y[0..k-1].
- left(int) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.pq.HeapPriorityQueue
- left(Position<Entry<K, V>>) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.searchtree.TreeMap
- left(Position<E>) - Method in interface com.zybooks.dsaj.tree.BinaryTree
Returns the Position of p's left child (or null if no child exists).
- left(Position<E>) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.tree.LinkedBinaryTree
Returns the Position of p's left child (or null if no child exists).
- linearSum(int[], int) - Static method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.recursion.ArraySum
Returns the sum of the first n integers of the given array.
- LinkedBinaryTree<E> - Class in com.zybooks.dsaj.tree
Concrete implementation of a binary tree using a node-based, linked structure.
- LinkedBinaryTree() - Constructor for class com.zybooks.dsaj.tree.LinkedBinaryTree
Construts an empty binary tree.
- LinkedBinaryTree.Node<E> - Class in com.zybooks.dsaj.tree
Nested static class for a binary tree node.
- LinkedCircularQueue<E> - Class in com.zybooks.dsaj.stackqueue
Realization of a circular FIFO queue as an adaptation of a CircularlyLinkedList.
- LinkedCircularQueue() - Constructor for class com.zybooks.dsaj.stackqueue.LinkedCircularQueue
Creates an empty queue.
- LinkedDeque<E> - Class in com.zybooks.dsaj.stackqueue
Realization of a double-ended queue as an adaptation of a DoublyLinkedList.
- LinkedDeque() - Constructor for class com.zybooks.dsaj.stackqueue.LinkedDeque
Constructs an initially empty queue.
- LinkedPositionalList<E> - Class in com.zybooks.dsaj.list
Implementation of a positional list stored as a doubly linked list.
- LinkedPositionalList() - Constructor for class com.zybooks.dsaj.list.LinkedPositionalList
Constructs a new empty list.
- LinkedQueue<E> - Class in com.zybooks.dsaj.stackqueue
Realization of a FIFO queue as an adaptation of a SinglyLinkedList.
- LinkedQueue() - Constructor for class com.zybooks.dsaj.stackqueue.LinkedQueue
Constructs an initially empty queue.
- LinkedStack<E> - Class in com.zybooks.dsaj.stackqueue
Realization of a stack as an adaptation of a SinglyLinkedList.
- LinkedStack() - Constructor for class com.zybooks.dsaj.stackqueue.LinkedStack
Constructs an initially empty stack.
- List<E> - Interface in com.zybooks.dsaj.list
A simplified version of the java.util.List interface.
- listPrice() - Method in class
Returns the list price of the item in cents.
- listPrice() - Method in class
Returns the list price of the item, in cents.
- listPrice() - Method in class
- listPrice() - Method in interface
Returns the list price of the item in cents.
- lowerEntry(K) - Method in interface
Returns the entry with greatest key strictly less than given key (or null if no such key exists).
- lowerEntry(K) - Method in class
Returns the entry with greatest key strictly less than given key (or null if no such key exists).
- lowerEntry(K) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.searchtree.TreeMap
Returns the entry with greatest key strictly less than given key (or null if no such key exists).
- lowestPrice() - Method in class
Returns the lowest price, in cents, we will accept.
- lowestPrice() - Method in class
Returns the lowest price, in cents, we will accept.
- lowestPrice() - Method in class
- lowestPrice() - Method in interface
Returns the lowest price, in cents, we will accept.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.analysis.StringExperiment
Tests the two versions of the 'repeat' algorithm, doubling the size of n each trial, beginning with the given start value.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class
- main(String[]) - Static method in class
- main(String[]) - Static method in class
- main(String[]) - Static method in class
- main(String[]) - Static method in class
- main(String[]) - Static method in class
- main(String[]) - Static method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.fundamental.CaesarCipher
Simple main method for testing the Caesar cipher
- main(String[]) - Static method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.fundamental.DeepClone
- main(String[]) - Static method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.fundamental.InsertionSort
- main(String[]) - Static method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.fundamental.Scoreboard
- main(String[]) - Static method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.fundamental.TicTacToe
Test run of a simple game
- main(String[]) - Static method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.graph.GraphExamples
- main(String[]) - Static method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.list.FavoritesList
- main(String[]) - Static method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.list.FavoritesListMTF
- main(String[]) - Static method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.list.InsertionSort
- main(String[]) - Static method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.list.IteratorDemo
- main(String[]) - Static method in class
- main(String[]) - Static method in class
- main(String[]) - Static method in class
- main(String[]) - Static method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.pq.StringLengthComparator
- main(String[]) - Static method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.primer.ArrayScale
- main(String[]) - Static method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.primer.CounterDemo
- main(String[]) - Static method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.primer.CreditCard
- main(String[]) - Static method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.primer.EnumDemo
- main(String[]) - Static method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.primer.InputExample
- main(String[]) - Static method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.primer.PrimitiveDemo
- main(String[]) - Static method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.primer.Universe
- main(String[]) - Static method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.primer.WrapperDemo
- main(String[]) - Static method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.recursion.ArraySum
- main(String[]) - Static method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.recursion.BinarySearch
Simple test, assuming valid integer given as command-line argument
- main(String[]) - Static method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.recursion.DiskSpace
Computes disk usage of the path given as a command line argument.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.recursion.Factorial
Simple test, assuming valid integer given as command-line argument
- main(String[]) - Static method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.recursion.Fibonacci
- main(String[]) - Static method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.recursion.Power
- main(String[]) - Static method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.recursion.Ruler
Draws sample rulers with various parameters.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.stackqueue.ArrayStack
Demonstrates sample usage of a stack.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.stackqueue.Josephus
Tester method
- main(String[]) - Static method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.stackqueue.MatchDelimiters
- main(String[]) - Static method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.stackqueue.MatchHTML
Test the text given as standard input as html.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.stackqueue.ReverseWithStack
Tester routine for reversing arrays
- makeCluster(E) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.graph.Partition
Makes a new cluster containing element e and returns its position.
- makePayment(double) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.primer.CreditCard
Processes customer payment that reduces balance.
- Map<K,
V> - Interface in -
An interface for an associative map which binds a key uniquely to a value.
- MapEntry(K, V) - Constructor for class
Creates a new entry
- Maryland - Class in
- MatchDelimiters - Class in com.zybooks.dsaj.stackqueue
Simplified test of matching delimiters in a string.
- MatchDelimiters() - Constructor for class com.zybooks.dsaj.stackqueue.MatchDelimiters
- MatchHTML - Class in com.zybooks.dsaj.stackqueue
Simplified test of matching tags in an HTML document.
- MatchHTML() - Constructor for class com.zybooks.dsaj.stackqueue.MatchHTML
- matrixChain(int[]) - Static method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.text.MatrixChain
Returns an n-by-n matrix such that N[i][j] represents the minimum number of multiplications to compute the product of matrix chain product Ai through Aj inclusive.
- MatrixChain - Class in com.zybooks.dsaj.text
Demonstration of dynamic programming.
- MatrixChain() - Constructor for class com.zybooks.dsaj.text.MatrixChain
- max(double[]) - Static method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.primer.ArrayMax
Returns the maximum value within a nonempty array of doubles.
- min() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.pq.HeapPriorityQueue
Returns (but does not remove) an entry with minimal key.
- min() - Method in interface com.zybooks.dsaj.pq.PriorityQueue
Returns (but does not remove) an entry with minimal key.
- min() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.pq.SortedPriorityQueue
Returns (but does not remove) an entry with minimal key.
- min() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.pq.UnsortedPriorityQueue
Returns (but does not remove) an entry with minimal key.
- MON - Enum constant in enum class com.zybooks.dsaj.primer.EnumDemo.Day
- moveUp(Position<FavoritesList.Item<E>>) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.list.FavoritesList
Moves item at Position p earlier in the list based on access count.
- moveUp(Position<FavoritesList.Item<E>>) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.list.FavoritesListMTF
Moves accessed item at Position p to the front of the list.
- MST(Graph<V, Integer>) - Static method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.graph.GraphAlgorithms
Computes a minimum spanning tree of connected, weighted graph g using Kruskal's algorithm.
- n - Variable in class
number of entries in the dictionary
- nextValue() - Method in class
Returns the next value of the progression.
- nextValue() - Method in class
Returns the next value of the progression.
- Node(E, LinkedBinaryTree.Node<E>, LinkedBinaryTree.Node<E>, LinkedBinaryTree.Node<E>) - Constructor for class com.zybooks.dsaj.tree.LinkedBinaryTree.Node
Constructs a node with the given element and neighbors.
- numChildren(Position<E>) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.tree.AbstractBinaryTree
Returns the number of children of Position p.
- numChildren(Position<E>) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.tree.AbstractTree
Returns the number of children of Position p.
- numChildren(Position<E>) - Method in interface com.zybooks.dsaj.tree.Tree
Returns the number of children of Position p.
- numEdges() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.graph.AdjacencyMapGraph
Returns the number of edges of the graph
- numEdges() - Method in interface com.zybooks.dsaj.graph.Graph
Returns the number of edges of the graph.
- numVertices() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.graph.AdjacencyMapGraph
Returns the number of vertices of the graph
- numVertices() - Method in interface com.zybooks.dsaj.graph.Graph
Returns the number of vertices of the graph.
- O - Static variable in class com.zybooks.dsaj.fundamental.TicTacToe
- ObjectPair - Class in
- ObjectPair(Object, Object) - Constructor for class
- oneSidedAncestor(Position<Entry<K, V>>, boolean) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.searchtree.TreeMap
Returns entry of p's nearest ancestor with key that is smaller/larger than p.
- opposite(Vertex<V>, Edge<E>) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.graph.AdjacencyMapGraph
Returns the vertex that is opposite vertex v on edge e.
- opposite(Vertex<V>, Edge<E>) - Method in interface com.zybooks.dsaj.graph.Graph
Returns the vertex that is opposite to vertex v on edge e.
- outDegree(Vertex<V>) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.graph.AdjacencyMapGraph
Returns the number of edges for which vertex v is the origin.
- outDegree(Vertex<V>) - Method in interface com.zybooks.dsaj.graph.Graph
Returns the number of edges leaving vertex v.
- outgoingEdges(Vertex<V>) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.graph.AdjacencyMapGraph
Returns an iterable collection of edges for which vertex v is the origin.
- outgoingEdges(Vertex<V>) - Method in interface com.zybooks.dsaj.graph.Graph
Returns an iterable collection of edges for which vertex v is the origin.
- Pair<A,
B> - Class in - Pair(A, B) - Constructor for class
- parent(int) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.pq.HeapPriorityQueue
- parent(Position<Entry<K, V>>) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.searchtree.TreeMap
- parent(Position<E>) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.tree.LinkedBinaryTree
Returns the Position of p's parent (or null if p is root).
- parent(Position<E>) - Method in interface com.zybooks.dsaj.tree.Tree
Returns the Position of p's parent (or null if p is root).
- parenthesize(Tree<E>, Position<E>) - Static method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.tree.TraversalExamples
Prints parenthesized representation of subtree of T rooted at p.
- Partition<E> - Class in com.zybooks.dsaj.graph
A Union-Find structure for maintaining disjoint sets.
- Partition() - Constructor for class com.zybooks.dsaj.graph.Partition
- PatternMatching - Class in com.zybooks.dsaj.text
Implementation of several pattern-matching algorithms on character sequences.
- PatternMatching() - Constructor for class com.zybooks.dsaj.text.PatternMatching
- Person - Interface in
- Photograph - Class in
Class for photographs that can be sold.
- Photograph(String, int, boolean) - Constructor for class
- pop() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.stackqueue.ArrayStack
Removes and returns the top element from the stack.
- pop() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.stackqueue.LinkedStack
Removes and returns the top element from the stack.
- pop() - Method in interface com.zybooks.dsaj.stackqueue.Stack
Removes and returns the top element from the stack.
- Portfolio<T> - Class in
- Portfolio(int) - Constructor for class
- Position<E> - Interface in com.zybooks.dsaj.util
An interface for a position which is an abstraction for the location at which a single element is stored in a positional container.
- PositionalList<E> - Interface in com.zybooks.dsaj.list
An interface for positional lists.
- positions() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.list.LinkedPositionalList
Returns an iterable representation of the list's positions.
- positions() - Method in interface com.zybooks.dsaj.list.PositionalList
Returns the positions of the list in iterable form from first to last.
- positions() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.tree.AbstractBinaryTree
Returns an iterable collection of the positions of the tree using inorder traversal
- positions() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.tree.AbstractTree
Returns an iterable collection of the positions of the tree.
- positions() - Method in interface com.zybooks.dsaj.tree.Tree
Returns an iterable collection of the positions of the tree.
- postorder() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.tree.AbstractTree
Returns an iterable collection of positions of the tree, reported in postorder.
- power(double, int) - Static method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.recursion.Power
Computes the value of x raised to the nth power, for nonnegative integer n.
- Power - Class in com.zybooks.dsaj.recursion
Demonstration of the more efficient method for computing the power function.
- Power() - Constructor for class com.zybooks.dsaj.recursion.Power
- PQEntry(K, V) - Constructor for class com.zybooks.dsaj.pq.AbstractPriorityQueue.PQEntry
Creates a new PQEntry
- pqSort(PositionalList<E>, PriorityQueue<E, ?>) - Static method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.pq.PQSort
Sorts sequence S, using initially empty priority queue P to produce the order.
- PQSort - Class in com.zybooks.dsaj.pq
Sorting with a priority queue.
- PQSort() - Constructor for class com.zybooks.dsaj.pq.PQSort
- PredatoryCreditCard - Class in
A demonstration of inheritance.
- PredatoryCreditCard(String, String, String, int, double, double) - Constructor for class
Constructs a new credit card instance.
- preorder() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.tree.AbstractTree
Returns an iterable collection of positions of the tree, reported in preorder.
- prev - Variable in class
- PrimitiveDemo - Class in com.zybooks.dsaj.primer
A demonstration of primitive types.
- PrimitiveDemo() - Constructor for class com.zybooks.dsaj.primer.PrimitiveDemo
- print(double[]) - Static method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.primer.ArrayScale
- printMe() - Method in class
- printPreorder(AbstractTree<E>) - Static method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.tree.TraversalExamples
- printPreorderIndent(Tree<E>, Position<E>, int) - Static method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.tree.TraversalExamples
Prints preorder representation of subtree of T rooted at p having depth d.
- printPreorderIndentSlow(AbstractTree<E>) - Static method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.tree.TraversalExamples
- printPreorderLabeled(Tree<E>, Position<E>, ArrayList<Integer>) - Static method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.tree.TraversalExamples
Prints labeled representation of subtree of T rooted at p having depth d.
- printProgression(int) - Method in class
Utility that prints the next n values of the progression.
- printProgression(int) - Method in class
Prints the next n values of the progression, separated by spaces.
- printSummary(CreditCard) - Static method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.primer.CreditCard
- PriorityQueue<K,
V> - Interface in com.zybooks.dsaj.pq -
Interface for the priority queue ADT.
- ProbeHashMap<K,
V> - Class in -
Map implementation using hash table with linear probing.
- ProbeHashMap() - Constructor for class
Creates a hash table with capacity 17 and prime factor 109345121.
- ProbeHashMap(int) - Constructor for class
Creates a hash table with given capacity and prime number 109345121.
- ProbeHashMap(int, int) - Constructor for class
Creates a hash table.
- processMonth() - Method in class
Assess monthly interest on any outstanding balance.
- Progression - Class in
Generates a simple progression.
- Progression() - Constructor for class
Constructs a progression starting at zero.
- Progression(long) - Constructor for class
Constructs a progression with given start value.
- push(E) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.stackqueue.ArrayStack
Adds an element at the top of the stack.
- push(E) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.stackqueue.LinkedStack
Adds an element at the top of the stack.
- push(E) - Method in interface com.zybooks.dsaj.stackqueue.Stack
Adds an element at the top of the stack.
- put(K, V) - Method in class
Associates the given value with the given key.
- put(K, V) - Method in interface
Associates the given value with the given key.
- put(K, V) - Method in class
Associates the given value with the given key.
- put(K, V) - Method in class
Associates the given value with the given key.
- put(K, V) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.searchtree.TreeMap
Associates the given value with the given key.
- putMark(int, int) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.fundamental.TicTacToe
Puts an X or O mark at position i,j.
- Queue<E> - Interface in com.zybooks.dsaj.stackqueue
Interface for a queue: a collection of elements that are added and removed according to the first-in first-out principle.
- RBTreeMap<K,
V> - Class in com.zybooks.dsaj.searchtree -
An implementation of a sorted map using a red-black tree.
- RBTreeMap() - Constructor for class com.zybooks.dsaj.searchtree.RBTreeMap
Constructs an empty map using the natural ordering of keys.
- RBTreeMap(Comparator<K>) - Constructor for class com.zybooks.dsaj.searchtree.RBTreeMap
Constructs an empty map using the given comparator to order keys.
- rebalance(Position<Entry<K, V>>) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.searchtree.AVLTreeMap
Utility used to rebalance after an insert or removal operation.
- rebalanceAccess(Position<Entry<K, V>>) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.searchtree.SplayTreeMap
Overrides the TreeMap rebalancing hook that is called after a node access.
- rebalanceAccess(Position<Entry<K, V>>) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.searchtree.TreeMap
Rebalances the tree after an access of specified position.
- rebalanceDelete(Position<Entry<K, V>>) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.searchtree.AVLTreeMap
Overrides the TreeMap rebalancing hook that is called after a deletion.
- rebalanceDelete(Position<Entry<K, V>>) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.searchtree.RBTreeMap
Overrides the TreeMap rebalancing hook that is called after a deletion.
- rebalanceDelete(Position<Entry<K, V>>) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.searchtree.SplayTreeMap
Overrides the TreeMap rebalancing hook that is called after a deletion.
- rebalanceDelete(Position<Entry<K, V>>) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.searchtree.TreeMap
Rebalances the tree after a child of specified position has been removed.
- rebalanceInsert(Position<Entry<K, V>>) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.searchtree.AVLTreeMap
Overrides the TreeMap rebalancing hook that is called after an insertion.
- rebalanceInsert(Position<Entry<K, V>>) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.searchtree.RBTreeMap
Overrides the TreeMap rebalancing hook that is called after an insertion.
- rebalanceInsert(Position<Entry<K, V>>) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.searchtree.SplayTreeMap
Overrides the TreeMap rebalancing hook that is called after an insertion.
- rebalanceInsert(Position<Entry<K, V>>) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.searchtree.TreeMap
Rebalances the tree after an insertion of specified position.
- recomputeHeight(Position<Entry<K, V>>) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.searchtree.AVLTreeMap
Recomputes the height of the given position based on its children's heights.
- reconstructLCS(char[], char[], int[][]) - Static method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.text.LCS
Returns the longest common substring of X and Y, given LCS table L.
- remove(int) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.fundamental.Scoreboard
Remove and return the high score at index i.
- remove(int) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.list.ArrayList
Removes and returns the element at the given index, shifting all subsequent elements in the list one position closer to the front.
- remove(int) - Method in interface com.zybooks.dsaj.list.List
Removes and returns the element at the given index, shifting all subsequent elements in the list one position closer to the front.
- remove(Entry<K, V>) - Method in interface com.zybooks.dsaj.pq.AdaptablePriorityQueue
Removes the given entry from the priority queue.
- remove(Entry<K, V>) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.pq.HeapAdaptablePriorityQueue
Removes the given entry from the priority queue.
- remove(Position<E>) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.list.LinkedPositionalList
Removes the element stored at the given Position and returns it.
- remove(Position<E>) - Method in interface com.zybooks.dsaj.list.PositionalList
Removes the element stored at the given Position and returns it.
- remove(Position<E>) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.tree.LinkedBinaryTree
Removes the node at Position p and replaces it with its child, if any.
- remove(E) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.list.FavoritesList
Removes element equal to e from the list of favorites (if found).
- remove(K) - Method in class
Removes the entry with the specified key, if present, and returns its associated value.
- remove(K) - Method in interface
Removes the entry with the specified key, if present, and returns its associated value.
- remove(K) - Method in class
Removes the entry with the specified key, if present, and returns its associated value.
- remove(K) - Method in class
Removes the entry with the specified key, if present, and returns its value.
- remove(K) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.searchtree.TreeMap
Removes the entry with the specified key, if present, and returns its associated value.
- removeEdge(Edge<E>) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.graph.AdjacencyMapGraph
- removeEdge(Edge<E>) - Method in interface com.zybooks.dsaj.graph.Graph
Removes an edge from the graph.
- removeFirst() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.fundamental.CircularlyLinkedList
Removes and returns the first element of the list.
- removeFirst() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.fundamental.DoublyLinkedList
Removes and returns the first element of the list.
- removeFirst() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.fundamental.SinglyLinkedList
Removes and returns the first element of the list.
- removeFirst() - Method in interface com.zybooks.dsaj.stackqueue.Deque
Removes and returns the first element of the deque.
- removeFirst() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.stackqueue.LinkedDeque
Removes and returns the first element of the queue.
- removeLast() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.fundamental.DoublyLinkedList
Removes and returns the last element of the list.
- removeLast() - Method in interface com.zybooks.dsaj.stackqueue.Deque
Removes and returns the last element of the deque.
- removeLast() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.stackqueue.LinkedDeque
Removes and returns the last element of the queue.
- removeMin() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.pq.HeapPriorityQueue
Removes and returns an entry with minimal key.
- removeMin() - Method in interface com.zybooks.dsaj.pq.PriorityQueue
Removes and returns an entry with minimal key.
- removeMin() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.pq.SortedPriorityQueue
Removes and returns an entry with minimal key.
- removeMin() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.pq.UnsortedPriorityQueue
Removes and returns an entry with minimal key.
- removeVertex(Vertex<V>) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.graph.AdjacencyMapGraph
Removes a vertex and all its incident edges from the graph.
- removeVertex(Vertex<V>) - Method in interface com.zybooks.dsaj.graph.Graph
Removes a vertex and all its incident edges from the graph.
- repeat1(char, int) - Static method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.analysis.StringExperiment
Uses repeated concatenation to compose a String with n copies of character c.
- repeat2(char, int) - Static method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.analysis.StringExperiment
Uses StringBuilder to compose a String with n copies of character c.
- replaceKey(Entry<K, V>, K) - Method in interface com.zybooks.dsaj.pq.AdaptablePriorityQueue
Replaces the key of an entry.
- replaceKey(Entry<K, V>, K) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.pq.HeapAdaptablePriorityQueue
Replaces the key of an entry.
- replaceValue(Entry<K, V>, V) - Method in interface com.zybooks.dsaj.pq.AdaptablePriorityQueue
Replaces the value of an entry.
- replaceValue(Entry<K, V>, V) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.pq.HeapAdaptablePriorityQueue
Replaces the value of an entry.
- reset() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.primer.Counter
Returns the count to zero.
- resize(int) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.list.ArrayList
Resizes the internal array to have given capacity >= size.
- restructure(Position<Entry<K, V>>) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.searchtree.TreeMap.BalanceableBinaryTree
Performs a trinode restructoring of Position x with its parent/grandparent.
- restructure(Position<Entry<K, V>>) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.searchtree.TreeMap
- reverse(E[]) - Static method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.stackqueue.ReverseWithStack
A generic method for reversing an array.
- reverse(T[]) - Static method in class
- reverseArray(int[], int, int) - Static method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.recursion.ArrayReverse
Reverses the contents of subarray data[low] through data[high] inclusive.
- reverseIterative(int[]) - Static method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.recursion.ArrayReverse
Reverses the contents of the given array.
- ReverseWithStack - Class in com.zybooks.dsaj.stackqueue
Case study for using a Stack to reverse a sequence.
- ReverseWithStack() - Constructor for class com.zybooks.dsaj.stackqueue.ReverseWithStack
- right(int) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.pq.HeapPriorityQueue
- right(Position<Entry<K, V>>) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.searchtree.TreeMap
- right(Position<E>) - Method in interface com.zybooks.dsaj.tree.BinaryTree
Returns the Position of p's right child (or null if no child exists).
- right(Position<E>) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.tree.LinkedBinaryTree
Returns the Position of p's right child (or null if no child exists).
- Robot - Class in com.zybooks.dsaj.primer
An example of nested conditional statements
- Robot() - Constructor for class com.zybooks.dsaj.primer.Robot
- root - Variable in class com.zybooks.dsaj.tree.LinkedBinaryTree
The root of the binary tree
- root() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.searchtree.TreeMap
- root() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.tree.LinkedBinaryTree
Returns the root Position of the tree (or null if tree is empty).
- root() - Method in interface com.zybooks.dsaj.tree.Tree
Returns the root Position of the tree (or null if tree is empty).
- rotate() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.fundamental.CircularlyLinkedList
Rotate the first element to the back of the list.
- rotate() - Method in interface com.zybooks.dsaj.stackqueue.CircularQueue
Rotates the front element of the queue to the back of the queue.
- rotate() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.stackqueue.LinkedCircularQueue
Rotates the front element of the queue to the back of the queue.
- rotate(Position<Entry<K, V>>) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.searchtree.TreeMap.BalanceableBinaryTree
Rotates Position p above its parent.
- rotate(Position<Entry<K, V>>) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.searchtree.TreeMap
- Ruler - Class in com.zybooks.dsaj.recursion
Provides support for drawing an English ruler.
- Ruler() - Constructor for class com.zybooks.dsaj.recursion.Ruler
- SAT - Enum constant in enum class com.zybooks.dsaj.primer.EnumDemo.Day
- scaleBad(double[], double) - Static method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.primer.ArrayScale
- scaleGood(double[], double) - Static method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.primer.ArrayScale
- Scoreboard - Class in com.zybooks.dsaj.fundamental
Class for storing high scores in an array in nondecreasing order.
- Scoreboard(int) - Constructor for class com.zybooks.dsaj.fundamental.Scoreboard
Constructs an empty scoreboard with the given capacity for storing entries.
- Sellable - Interface in
Interface for objects that can be sold.
- set(int, E) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.list.ArrayList
Replaces the element at the specified index, and returns the element previously stored.
- set(int, E) - Method in interface com.zybooks.dsaj.list.List
Replaces the element at the specified index, and returns the element previously stored.
- set(int, T) - Method in class
- set(Position<Entry<K, V>>, Entry<K, V>) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.searchtree.TreeMap
- set(Position<E>, E) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.list.LinkedPositionalList
Replaces the element stored at the given Position and returns the replaced element.
- set(Position<E>, E) - Method in interface com.zybooks.dsaj.list.PositionalList
Replaces the element stored at the given Position and returns the replaced element.
- set(Position<E>, E) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.tree.LinkedBinaryTree
Replaces the element at Position p with element e and returns the replaced element.
- setAux(int) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.searchtree.TreeMap.BalanceableBinaryTree.BSTNode
- setAux(Position<Entry<K, V>>, int) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.searchtree.TreeMap.BalanceableBinaryTree
- setBox(int, int, int) - Method in class
Sets the dimensions of the item's box.
- setBox(int, int, int) - Method in class
Sets the dimensions of the item's box, in centimeters.
- setElement(E) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.tree.LinkedBinaryTree.Node
- setIndex(int) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.pq.HeapAdaptablePriorityQueue.AdaptablePQEntry
- setKey(K) - Method in class
Sets the entry's key
- setKey(K) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.pq.AbstractPriorityQueue.PQEntry
Set the entry's key
- setLeft(LinkedBinaryTree.Node<E>) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.tree.LinkedBinaryTree.Node
- setParent(LinkedBinaryTree.Node<E>) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.tree.LinkedBinaryTree.Node
- setRight(LinkedBinaryTree.Node<E>) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.tree.LinkedBinaryTree.Node
- setValue(V) - Method in class
Sets the entry's value
- setValue(V) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.pq.AbstractPriorityQueue.PQEntry
Set the entry's value
- setX(int) - Method in interface com.zybooks.dsaj.tree.TraversalExamples.Geometric
- setY(int) - Method in interface com.zybooks.dsaj.tree.TraversalExamples.Geometric
- shortestPathDistances(Graph<V, Integer>, Vertex<V>) - Static method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.graph.GraphAlgorithms
Computes shortest-path distances from src vertex to all reachable vertices of g.
- sibling(Position<Entry<K, V>>) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.searchtree.TreeMap
- sibling(Position<E>) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.tree.AbstractBinaryTree
Returns the Position of p's sibling (or null if no sibling exists).
- sibling(Position<E>) - Method in interface com.zybooks.dsaj.tree.BinaryTree
Returns the Position of p's sibling (or null if no sibling exists).
- simple() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.primer.Robot
- SinglyLinkedList<E> - Class in com.zybooks.dsaj.fundamental
A basic singly linked list implementation.
- SinglyLinkedList() - Constructor for class com.zybooks.dsaj.fundamental.SinglyLinkedList
Constructs an initially empty list.
- size() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.fundamental.CircularlyLinkedList
Returns the number of elements in the linked list.
- size() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.fundamental.DoublyLinkedList
Returns the number of elements in the linked list.
- size() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.fundamental.SinglyLinkedList
Returns the number of elements in the linked list.
- size() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.list.ArrayList
Returns the number of elements in the list.
- size() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.list.FavoritesList
Returns the number of items in the favorites list.
- size() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.list.LinkedPositionalList
Returns the number of elements in the list.
- size() - Method in interface com.zybooks.dsaj.list.List
Returns the number of elements in the list.
- size() - Method in interface com.zybooks.dsaj.list.PositionalList
Returns the number of elements in the list.
- size() - Method in class
Tests whether the map is empty.
- size() - Method in class
Returns the total number of entries in the multimap.
- size() - Method in interface
Returns the number of entries in the map.
- size() - Method in class
Returns the number of entries in the map.
- size() - Method in class
Returns the number of entries in the map.
- size() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.pq.HeapPriorityQueue
Returns the number of items in the priority queue.
- size() - Method in interface com.zybooks.dsaj.pq.PriorityQueue
Returns the number of items in the priority queue.
- size() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.pq.SortedPriorityQueue
Returns the number of items in the priority queue.
- size() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.pq.UnsortedPriorityQueue
Returns the number of items in the priority queue.
- size() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.searchtree.TreeMap
Returns the number of entries in the map.
- size() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.stackqueue.ArrayQueue
Returns the number of elements in the queue.
- size() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.stackqueue.ArrayStack
Returns the number of elements in the stack.
- size() - Method in interface com.zybooks.dsaj.stackqueue.Deque
Returns the number of elements in the deque.
- size() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.stackqueue.LinkedCircularQueue
Returns the number of elements in the queue.
- size() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.stackqueue.LinkedDeque
Returns the number of elements in the queue.
- size() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.stackqueue.LinkedQueue
Returns the number of elements in the queue.
- size() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.stackqueue.LinkedStack
Returns the number of elements in the stack.
- size() - Method in interface com.zybooks.dsaj.stackqueue.Queue
Returns the number of elements in the queue.
- size() - Method in interface com.zybooks.dsaj.stackqueue.Stack
Returns the number of elements in the stack.
- size() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.tree.AbstractTree
Returns the number of nodes in the tree.
- size() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.tree.LinkedBinaryTree
Returns the number of nodes in the tree.
- size() - Method in interface com.zybooks.dsaj.tree.Tree
Returns the number of nodes in the tree.
- SortedMap<K,
V> - Interface in -
A map with additional support for keys from a total ordering.
- SortedPriorityQueue<K,
V> - Class in com.zybooks.dsaj.pq -
An implementation of a priority queue with a sorted list.
- SortedPriorityQueue() - Constructor for class com.zybooks.dsaj.pq.SortedPriorityQueue
Creates an empty priority queue based on the natural ordering of its keys.
- SortedPriorityQueue(Comparator<K>) - Constructor for class com.zybooks.dsaj.pq.SortedPriorityQueue
Creates an empty priority queue using the given comparator to order keys.
- SortedTableMap<K,
V> - Class in -
An implementation of a map using a sorted table.
- SortedTableMap() - Constructor for class
Constructs an empty map using the natural ordering of keys.
- SortedTableMap(Comparator<K>) - Constructor for class
Constructs an empty map using the given comparator to order keys.
- spaces(int) - Static method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.tree.TraversalExamples
Returns a string containing n spaces.
- SplayTreeMap<K,
V> - Class in com.zybooks.dsaj.searchtree -
An implementation of a sorted map using a splay tree.
- SplayTreeMap() - Constructor for class com.zybooks.dsaj.searchtree.SplayTreeMap
Constructs an empty map using the natural ordering of keys.
- SplayTreeMap(Comparator<K>) - Constructor for class com.zybooks.dsaj.searchtree.SplayTreeMap
Constructs an empty map using the given comparator to order keys.
- spTree(Graph<V, Integer>, Vertex<V>, Map<Vertex<V>, Integer>) - Static method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.graph.GraphAlgorithms
Reconstructs a shortest-path tree rooted at vertex s, given distance map d.
- Stack<E> - Interface in com.zybooks.dsaj.stackqueue
A collection of objects that are added and removed according to the last-in first-out principle.
- StringExperiment - Class in com.zybooks.dsaj.analysis
Provides an empirical test of the efficiency of repeated string concatentation versus use of the StringBuilder class.
- StringExperiment() - Constructor for class com.zybooks.dsaj.analysis.StringExperiment
- StringLengthComparator - Class in com.zybooks.dsaj.pq
- StringLengthComparator() - Constructor for class com.zybooks.dsaj.pq.StringLengthComparator
- Student - Class in
- Student(String, String, int) - Constructor for class
- studyHours() - Method in class
- subMap(K, K) - Method in interface
Returns an iterable containing all keys in the range from
inclusive totoKey
exclusive. - subMap(K, K) - Method in class
Returns an iterable containing all keys in the range from
inclusive totoKey
exclusive. - subMap(K, K) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.searchtree.TreeMap
Returns an iterable containing all entries with keys in the range from
inclusive totoKey
exclusive. - sum(double[]) - Static method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.primer.ArraySum
- sum(double[]) - Static method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.primer.ArraySumForeach
- SUN - Enum constant in enum class com.zybooks.dsaj.primer.EnumDemo.Day
- swap(int, int) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.pq.HeapAdaptablePriorityQueue
Exchanges the entries at indices i and j of the array list.
- swap(int, int) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.pq.HeapPriorityQueue
Exchanges the entries at indices i and j of the array list.
- switchDemo(EnumDemo.Day) - Static method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.primer.EnumDemo
Demonstrates the use of a switch statement based on the day.
- tallerChild(Position<Entry<K, V>>) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.searchtree.AVLTreeMap
Returns a child of p with height no smaller than that of the other child.
- test(FavoritesList<Character>) - Static method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.list.FavoritesList
- TestProgression - Class in
Test program for the progression hierarchy.
- TestProgression() - Constructor for class
- THU - Enum constant in enum class com.zybooks.dsaj.primer.EnumDemo.Day
- TicTacToe - Class in com.zybooks.dsaj.fundamental
Simulation of a Tic-Tac-Toe game (does not do strategy).
- TicTacToe() - Constructor for class com.zybooks.dsaj.fundamental.TicTacToe
- top() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.stackqueue.ArrayStack
Returns, but does not remove, the element at the top of the stack.
- top() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.stackqueue.LinkedStack
Returns, but does not remove, the element at the top of the stack.
- top() - Method in interface com.zybooks.dsaj.stackqueue.Stack
Returns, but does not remove, the element at the top of the stack.
- topologicalSort(Graph<V, E>) - Static method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.graph.GraphAlgorithms
Returns a list of verticies of directed acyclic graph g in topological order.
- toString() - Method in class
- toString() - Method in class
- toString() - Method in class
- toString() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.fundamental.CircularlyLinkedList
Produces a string representation of the contents of the list.
- toString() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.fundamental.DoublyLinkedList
Produces a string representation of the contents of the list.
- toString() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.fundamental.GameEntry
Returns a string representation of this entry.
- toString() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.fundamental.Scoreboard
Returns a string representation of the high scores list.
- toString() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.fundamental.SinglyLinkedList
Produces a string representation of the contents of the list.
- toString() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.fundamental.TicTacToe
Returns a simple character string showing the current board.
- toString() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.graph.AdjacencyMapGraph
Returns a string representation of the graph.
- toString() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.list.ArrayList
Produces a string representation of the contents of the indexed list.
- toString() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.list.FavoritesList.Item
- toString() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.list.FavoritesList
- toString() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.list.LinkedPositionalList
Produces a string representation of the contents of the list.
- toString() - Method in class
Returns string representation (for debugging only)
- toString() - Method in class
Returns a string representation of the entry (for debugging use).
- toString() - Method in class
- toString() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.stackqueue.ArrayQueue
Returns a string representation of the queue as a list of elements.
- toString() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.stackqueue.ArrayStack
Produces a string representation of the contents of the stack.
- toString() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.stackqueue.LinkedCircularQueue
Produces a string representation of the contents of the queue.
- toString() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.stackqueue.LinkedDeque
Produces a string representation of the contents of the queue.
- toString() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.stackqueue.LinkedQueue
Produces a string representation of the contents of the queue.
- toString() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.stackqueue.LinkedStack
Produces a string representation of the contents of the stack.
- transitiveClosure(Graph<V, E>) - Static method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.graph.GraphAlgorithms
Converts graph g into its transitive closure.
- Transportable - Interface in
Interface for objects that can be transported.
- TraversalExamples - Class in com.zybooks.dsaj.tree
Several applications of tree traversals.
- TraversalExamples() - Constructor for class com.zybooks.dsaj.tree.TraversalExamples
- TraversalExamples.Geometric - Interface in com.zybooks.dsaj.tree
- tree - Variable in class com.zybooks.dsaj.searchtree.TreeMap
Representation of the underlying tree structure.
- Tree<E> - Interface in com.zybooks.dsaj.tree
An interface for a tree where nodes can have an arbitrary number of children.
- TreeMap<K,
V> - Class in com.zybooks.dsaj.searchtree -
An implementation of a sorted map using a binary search tree.
- TreeMap() - Constructor for class com.zybooks.dsaj.searchtree.TreeMap
Constructs an empty map using the natural ordering of keys.
- TreeMap(Comparator<K>) - Constructor for class com.zybooks.dsaj.searchtree.TreeMap
Constructs an empty map using the given comparator to order keys.
- TreeMap.BalanceableBinaryTree<K,
V> - Class in com.zybooks.dsaj.searchtree -
A specialized version of the LinkedBinaryTree class with additional mutators to support binary search tree operations, and a specialized node class that includes an auxiliary instance variable for balancing data.
- TreeMap.BalanceableBinaryTree.BSTNode<E> - Class in com.zybooks.dsaj.searchtree
A specialized version of Node that includes an auxiliary int for balancing algorithms
- treeMax(Position<Entry<K, V>>) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.searchtree.TreeMap
Returns the position with the maximum key in the subtree rooted at p.
- treeMin(Position<Entry<K, V>>) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.searchtree.TreeMap
Returns position with the minimal key in the subtree rooted at Position p.
- TUE - Enum constant in enum class com.zybooks.dsaj.primer.EnumDemo.Day
- union(Position<E>, Position<E>) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.graph.Partition
Merges the clusters containing elements with positions p and q (if distinct).
- unique3(int[], int, int) - Static method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.recursion.Unique3
Returns true if there are no duplicate values from data[low] through data[high].
- Unique3 - Class in com.zybooks.dsaj.recursion
Demonstration of a recursive (and very bad) solution to element uniqueness problem.
- Unique3() - Constructor for class com.zybooks.dsaj.recursion.Unique3
- Universe - Class in com.zybooks.dsaj.primer
Our version of the classic Hello World.
- Universe() - Constructor for class com.zybooks.dsaj.primer.Universe
- UnsortedPriorityQueue<K,
V> - Class in com.zybooks.dsaj.pq -
An implementation of a priority queue with an unsorted list.
- UnsortedPriorityQueue() - Constructor for class com.zybooks.dsaj.pq.UnsortedPriorityQueue
Creates an empty priority queue based on the natural ordering of its keys.
- UnsortedPriorityQueue(Comparator<K>) - Constructor for class com.zybooks.dsaj.pq.UnsortedPriorityQueue
Creates an empty priority queue using the given comparator to order keys.
- UnsortedTableMap<K,
V> - Class in -
An implementation of a map using an unsorted table.
- UnsortedTableMap() - Constructor for class
Constructs an initially empty map.
- upheap(int) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.pq.HeapPriorityQueue
Moves the entry at index j higher, if necessary, to restore the heap property.
- validate(Entry<K, V>) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.pq.HeapAdaptablePriorityQueue
Validates an entry to ensure it is location-aware.
- validate(Position<E>) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.tree.LinkedBinaryTree
Verifies that a Position belongs to the appropriate class, and is not one that has been previously removed.
- value(Position<FavoritesList.Item<E>>) - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.list.FavoritesList
Provides shorthand notation to retrieve user's element stored at Position p.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.zybooks.dsaj.primer.EnumDemo.Day
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- values() - Method in class
Returns an iterable collection of the values contained in the map.
- values() - Method in interface
Returns an iterable collection of the values contained in the map.
- values() - Static method in enum class com.zybooks.dsaj.primer.EnumDemo.Day
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- Vertex<V> - Interface in com.zybooks.dsaj.graph
A vertex of a graph.
- vertices() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.graph.AdjacencyMapGraph
Returns the vertices of the graph as an iterable collection
- vertices() - Method in interface com.zybooks.dsaj.graph.Graph
Returns the vertices of the graph as an iterable collection.
- WED - Enum constant in enum class com.zybooks.dsaj.primer.EnumDemo.Day
- weight() - Method in class
Returns the weight of the item.
- weight() - Method in class
Returns the weight of the item, in grams.
- weight() - Method in interface
Returns the weight of the item.
- winner() - Method in class com.zybooks.dsaj.fundamental.TicTacToe
Returns the winning player's code, or 0 to indicate a tie (or unfinished game).
- WordCount - Class in
A program that counts words in a document, printing the most frequent.
- WordCount() - Constructor for class
- WrapperDemo - Class in com.zybooks.dsaj.primer
A demonstration of Java's wrapper types.
- WrapperDemo() - Constructor for class com.zybooks.dsaj.primer.WrapperDemo
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W XAll Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values