Package com.zybooks.dsaj.stackqueue

package com.zybooks.dsaj.stackqueue
Code from the chapter "Stacks, Queues, and Dequeues"
  • Class
    Implementation of the queue ADT using a fixed-length array.
    Implementation of the stack ADT using a fixed-length array.
    This provides one additional method not part of the general Queue interface.
    Interface for a double-ended queue: a collection of elements that can be inserted and removed at both ends; this interface is a simplified version of java.util.Deque.
    The classic Josephus problem as a Case study for a CircularQueue
    Realization of a circular FIFO queue as an adaptation of a CircularlyLinkedList.
    Realization of a double-ended queue as an adaptation of a DoublyLinkedList.
    Realization of a FIFO queue as an adaptation of a SinglyLinkedList.
    Realization of a stack as an adaptation of a SinglyLinkedList.
    Simplified test of matching delimiters in a string.
    Simplified test of matching tags in an HTML document.
    Interface for a queue: a collection of elements that are added and removed according to the first-in first-out principle.
    Case study for using a Stack to reverse a sequence.
    A collection of objects that are added and removed according to the last-in first-out principle.