Class TreeMap.BalanceableBinaryTree<K,V>

Type Parameters:
K - The key type (keys must be unique and comparable)
V - The value type
All Implemented Interfaces:
BinaryTree<Entry<K,V>>, Tree<Entry<K,V>>, Iterable<Entry<K,V>>
Enclosing class:

protected static class TreeMap.BalanceableBinaryTree<K,V> extends LinkedBinaryTree<Entry<K,V>>
A specialized version of the LinkedBinaryTree class with additional mutators to support binary search tree operations, and a specialized node class that includes an auxiliary instance variable for balancing data.
  • Constructor Details

    • BalanceableBinaryTree

      protected BalanceableBinaryTree()
  • Method Details

    • getAux

      public int getAux(Position<Entry<K,V>> p)
    • setAux

      public void setAux(Position<Entry<K,V>> p, int value)
    • createNode

      Description copied from class: LinkedBinaryTree
      Factory function to create a new node storing element e.
      createNode in class LinkedBinaryTree<Entry<K,V>>
    • rotate

      public void rotate(Position<Entry<K,V>> p)
      Rotates Position p above its parent. Switches between these configurations, depending on whether p is a or p is b.
                b                  a
               / \                / \
              a  t2             t0   b
             / \                    / \
            t0  t1                 t1  t2
      Caller should ensure that p is not the root.
    • restructure

      public Position<Entry<K,V>> restructure(Position<Entry<K,V>> x)
      Performs a trinode restructoring of Position x with its parent/grandparent. Returns the Position that becomes the root of the restructured subtree. Assumes the nodes are in one of the following configurations:
           z=a                 z=c           z=a               z=c
          /  \                /  \          /  \              /  \
         t0  y=b             y=b  t3       t0   y=c          y=a  t3
            /  \            /  \               /  \         /  \
           t1  x=c         x=a  t2            x=b  t3      t0   x=b
              /  \        /  \               /  \              /  \
             t2  t3      t0  t1             t1  t2            t1  t2
      The subtree will be restructured so that the node with key b becomes its root.
               /   \
             a       c
            / \     / \
           t0  t1  t2  t3
      Caller should ensure that x has a grandparent.