module documentation

Provides several example applications for tree traversals.

Function disk_space Return total disk space for subtree of T rooted at p.
Function layout Undocumented
Function parenthesize Print parenthesized representation of subtree of T rooted at p.
Function preorder_indent Print preorder representation of subtree of T rooted at p at depth d.
Function preorder_label Print labeled representation of subtree of T rooted at p at depth d.
Function toc_indent_bad Undocumented
Function toc_plain Undocumented
def disk_space(T, p):

Return total disk space for subtree of T rooted at p.

def layout(T, p, d, x):


def parenthesize(T, p):

Print parenthesized representation of subtree of T rooted at p.

def preorder_indent(T, p, d):

Print preorder representation of subtree of T rooted at p at depth d.

def preorder_label(T, p, d, path):

Print labeled representation of subtree of T rooted at p at depth d.

def toc_indent_bad(T):


def toc_plain(T):
