class documentation

Iterator producing a generic progression.

Default iterator produces the whole numbers 0, 1, 2, ...

Method __init__ Initialize current to the first value of the progression.
Method __iter__ By convention, an iterator must return itself as an iterator.
Method __next__ Return the next element, or else raise StopIteration error.
Method print_progression Print next n values of the progression.
Method _advance Update self._current to a new value.
Instance Variable _current Undocumented
def __init__(self, start=0):
def __iter__(self):

By convention, an iterator must return itself as an iterator.

def __next__(self):

Return the next element, or else raise StopIteration error.

def print_progression(self, n):

Print next n values of the progression.

def _advance(self):

Update self._current to a new value.

This should be overridden by a subclass to customize progression.

By convention, if current is set to None, this designates the end of a finite progression.

_current =
